The below image is of the only C. chubutensis that I can confirm from the area.

The immediate ancestor to C. megalodon is C. chubutensis. This species is mainly known from the Early Miocene deposits of Lee Creek (Pungo River Formation) but it also rarely occurs in the Bakersfield area. Since most of the Bakersfield deposits were laid down during the Middle Miocene (13-15 m.y.o.), C. chubutensis teeth are only found in isolated pockets of slightly earlier (18-20 m.y.o.) deposits in Bakersfield. As far as I know there is only one hill that is known to produce material of this age and most of the Carcharocles teeth found there exhibit more C. megalodon-like characteristics than chubutensis.

Carcharocles chubutensis
this tooth is 3.9 cm wide with a slant
height of 4.8 cm.

Also see:
Lee Creek Carcharocles by Bill Heim