An extremely rare component of the Pungo River, a few specimens of the Tope or Soupfin shark
Galeorhinus aff galeus (LINNAEUS, 1758) have come out of the fine waste
sand tailings. The teeth of this species resemble tiny tiger shark teeth with large posterior serrations.
Unlike teeth of the tiger shark they lack the small serrations on the anterior edge of the tooth. The teeth
have a prominent nutritive groove and are very similar in both the upper and lower jaw.
Illustrated is a labial view of a small lateral tooth. Due to the small size and dark coloring of the specimen,
the posterior serrations do not show up prominently.
Fig. 1 - Galeorhinus aff galeus
Pungo River Formation
Specimen size: 3mm. |
See: ELASMO.COM Galeorhinus genus page.