Welton & Farish (1993: 112) included a lateral tooth identified as S. serrata which looks very much like those of Lamna biauriculata maroccana ARAMBOURG 1935 and is unlike other teeth of Serratolamna. This is possibly an ontogenetic variation; however this design is symmetrical with a significantly broader, shorter and erect cusp. (ref. Cretalamna maroccana illustration).
Uncommon in Nanjemoy (Eocene) exposures are the large teeth of Serratolamna gafsana. These have been often incorrectly identified in the past (including on this page) due to their identification as aschersoni in Case (1994). David Ward (pers. com. 1998), when confirming Steve Cunningham's (pers. com. 1998) suggestion that these might represent S. gafsana, noted that the illustrations in Arambourg (1952) clearly show that the teeth of aschersoni have a shallow root and "bizarre" lateral cusplets. David went on to note that juvenile S. gafsana teeth are Carcharias-like with multiple lateral cusps, fine striations on the labial face.
Relatively Common in the Castle Hayne (Lutetian & Bartonian) sediments of North Carolina are the teeth of S. koerti; these teeth appear equally abundant in comparable horizons of other southeastern states extending into Texas. Although present in the Chesapeake Bay area, they are scarce.
Arambourg, C., 1952. Les Vertébrés fossiles des Gisements de Phosphates (Maroc-Algére-Tunisie), - Service Géol. Maroc, Notes et Mém., 92, pp 1-372.
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Case, G. R., and Cappetta, H. 1997. A new selachian fauna from the Late Maastrichtian of Texas. Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen 34:131-189.
Cappetta, H. (2006). Elasmobranchii post-Triadici (index generum et specierum). In: Riegraf, W. (Ed) Fossilium Catalogus I:Animalia 142. Leiden, Backhuys Publish, 472pp.
Cappetta, H & Nolf, D, 2005. Revision de quelques Odontaspidae (Neoselachii: Lamniformes) du Paleocene et de l'Eocene du Bassin de la mer du Nord Bulletin de l'institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre 75:237-266.
Case, G., 1979. Cretaceous selachians from the Peedee Formation (Late Maestrichtian) of Duplin County, North Carolina. Brimleyana 2:77-89.
Case, G., 1981. Late Eocene selachians from South-Central Georgia. Palaeontographica Abt. A, 176: 52-79.
Case, G., 1994. Fossil Fish Remains fron the Late Paleocene Tuscahoma and Early Eocene Bashi Formations of Meridian, Lauderdale County, Mississippi. Palaeontographica Abt. A, 230: 97-138.
Case, G. & Leggett, J., 1999. Cretolamna cf C. aschersoni (Stromer) (Neoselachii: Cretoxyrhinidae), from the Late Paleocene/Early Eocene of Mississippi, USA, with Comparisons to Moroccan Fauna. The Mosasaur 6:25-28.
Case, G., Schwimmer, Borodin, D. and Leggett, J., 2001. Fossil selachians from the New Egypt Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Late Maastrichtian) of Arneytown, Monmouth County, New Jersey. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 261:113-124.
Hartstein, E. and Decina, L.,. 1986. A new Severn Formation (early Middle Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous) locality in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Mosasaur 3:87-95.
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Hoganson, J., Erickson,J. and Holland, Jr., F., 1995. Cartilaginous fishes from the Fox Hills Formation (Cretaceous: Maastrichtian), North Dakota. Proceedings of North Dakota Academy of Science 49:60.
Kent, B. 1994. Fossil Sharks of the Chesapeake Region. Egan Rees & Boyer, Maryland, 146 pp.
Landemaine, O., 1991. Sélaciens nouveaux du crétacé supérieur du sud-ouest de la France quelques apports a la systematique des elasmobranches. Société Amicale des Géologues Amateurs, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, no. 1, 45pp.
Robb, A. J., III. 2004. Vertebrate fossils from the Upper Cretaceous (Merchantville Formation: Early Campanian) Graham Brickyard locality of New Jersey. Mosasaur 7:75-88.
Shimada, K and Brereton, D., 2007. The Late Cretaceous Lamniform shark, Serratolamna serrata (AGASSIZ), from the Mooreville Chalk of Alabama. Paludicola 6(3):105-110.
Stromer, E., 1905 Die Fischreste des mittleren ubd oberen Eocäns von Ägypten, I. Die selachier, B. Squaloidei. Beitrag Paleontologische und Geologische Osterreich-Ungarns 18: 163-92.
Stromer, E., 1910 Reptilien- und Fischreste aus dem marinen Altertiär von Südtogo (Westafrika). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, LXII: 478-507, 1 plate, 4 text-figs.
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